Watching this little baby walk around is blowing my mind! She's been walking steadily for over a month now. She acts so sweet and silly. Now she's trying to climb as high as she possibly can. When I catch her climbing up the arms of the couch, where she KNOWS Mama doesn't want her to go, I say, "Lillian...!" in a warning tone and she slyly, nonchalantly pretends like she wasn't even thinking about it. With a look on her face that says, "I wasn't doen' nuthen', Mama", she slides down and lays back as if that's what she was intending to do the whole time. Her soft squishy body makes her irresistible to cover in kisses, for all of us, even Tristan. When the guys are off playing video games, I take her in to get kisses and I say, "kissies for Sissy?" and she throws herself back in my arms so that she's upside down with a huge opened mouth grin on her face, Dada and Tristan multi-kiss her little forehead and she giggles. Big Brother still calls her "Baby" instead of Lilly or Lillian, so she answers to Baby, Lilly, Sissy, Lillian, and Lilly Nicole. She'll be a year old next month! Already showing interest in books, music, and games, she is the most advanced baby I've ever met! Addicted to yellow, water, and heights, it's easy to see she knows what she likes without question. She's still breastfeeding, but she has gotten to the point where she will take her fill at night and fall asleep without it, unlike nap time, when she nurses herself to sleep. But with all the noises of daytime, I can understand the need... I plan on weening her at a year old, but she might have other plans. And with how insistent she is for everything else she is addicted to, I'm sure she'll win that battle for a long while. Not that I'll mind much. I love the bonding that comes with nursing. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Lilly Pie!