Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A B Cs and poos and pees!

She is officially weaned from mommy milk!! I feel so proud of us for going as long as we did (14 months!!). We have a slight setback in the potty training because we had to postpone while we moved to a different apartment. Now it feels like starting from square one. But she still tells me when she pees or poos in her diaper. Plus, she can say 3 syllable words! She can't enunciate them well, of course, but it still sounds like "dinosaur" and "vitamins". But the most recent amazing thing is hearing her attempt the alphabet. She sings along and sometimes says the right letter at the right time! It sounds like: "ah ah ah dah ah ah ah, ah ah ah k ummhmmhm o hum, tah tah tah, t ah ah, ah ah, ah dah!!". So unbelievable!