Wednesday, October 1, 2008

6 months old

Saturday, September 6, 2008

6 months
Already 6 months old, Lilly Nicole has already shown bowel and bladder controle, has been saying Mama since she was 2 months old (no kidding!), walks well in her baby walker, sits up perfectly without assistance, rolls over both ways, and is starting to try to pull herself to her feet! I am so amazed. I think back on her birth as I hear the birth stories of my friends' newborn, and I remember how I was so focused on CAPTURING the moment "perfectly", it passed right by me without actually experiencing the wonder and the glory of God in an instant. I was pregnant, then I had a daughter. I wish I had it on video. She's my little beauty princess. I'm so happy to have a little girl, too. A Cadallac family.

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