Wednesday, October 1, 2008

great news!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Great News!
Well, we were having problems with the speed of our computer, and speed is important for hubby's game. Now, he fixed it for good, and I will be able to stay on line! I'm still having morning sickness, but I'm dealing with it a lot easier. It seems to be going away some days. Milk really is the best way to calm my tummy down. Coming up on 7 weeks on Thursday. I was lucky enough this time to know the day we got pregnant. I went shopping with my step-mom and she bought me some really cute clothes and put some blond streaks in my hair. You'd think that I looked for maternity clothes, huh? Nope! I picked tight tank tops so I can show off my belly as it gets bigger. I have stretch marks... "SO WHAT!?" (thanks for the confidence slogan, Tyra Banks) This may be the last time I get pregnant. I have a deep gut feeling that I should have 3 kids at least. but the next won't be until after we have a house. I still have to talk to Daddy about this feeling, but that can wait until I'm ready to have another ( in about 5 years or so)

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